Although it was informal, we had our very first service Sunday, June 3,2007 in celebration of the All Saints Holy Day at the home of Sub-Deacon Michael and Tanya Boyar.
It was attended by 14 1/2 people (some of the members of the Mission Core group), and although the rain dampened some outside events, we still barbecued some food and had a good time.
The kids were real active in the service singing responses (special thanks to Charles with the Troparian, and Sasha with the Kontakian), and they all did a wonderful job.
Afterwards, we had a little meeting to present some Progress Reports, and as a rule, everyone was pleased with direction we are heading. There are still some issues that we are working out, but upon presentation, Fr Gregory feels that we are in great shape and moving forward in a positive direction.
We topped it off by celebrating Seva’s 20th birthday. Lots of good cake and ice cream.

What a beautiful day it was. We had a wonderful picnic on the grounds of the Brownstown Municipal Complex where 14 people came to enjoy our beautiful Reader's Service, snacks, and the playscape.
The kids were running, climbing, swinging, and pretending as they had free run of the grounds. The parents and grandparents, on the other hand, were running, chasing, and enjoying our little ones, and boy were we all tired by the end of the day.

In mid-August, we moved to a more intimate setting at the Gibraltar Community Center.
It is a nice facility inside and out, and we have been enjoying it very much, not to mention that it has been much more affordable to our needs.
Thank you so much to my good friend, Gil Talbert for making it possible for us to continue working on our project.

On August 18th, we were able to servce our very first Divine Liturgy with Fr Gregory Joyce, at the Gil Talbert Gibraltar Community Center.
It was a beautiful service, and almost everyone was able to partake in Holy Communion. Fr gave a beautiful sermon, and except for a few people missing, we really enjoyed ourselves, and took plenty of fruit home.
Where was everyone else? Some lame excuse about having a baby!! That is right - Today was also the day the Caitlyn Sophia Bowser came into this world.
Happy Birthday baby Caitlyn

On Saturday, December 1, 2007, we had a Divine Liturgy celebrated by Fr Victor Trotskyy (from the Dormition Cathdral in Ferndale) at the Gibraltar Community Center in Gibraltar, Michigan. This was our second Liturgy as a group, and even for a cold and nasty Saturday morning, we were blessed to have 10 people attend and everyone had Holy Communion - CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Charles and Cody were great Altar Servers (Cody's first time), and Claudia and Sasha helped make the choir sound so great, and they were so great at reading the Kontakians and Troparians.
It was great to see Keith again, and Diane so enjoyed playing with her new niece, Caitlyn. Patricia did a phenominal job directing the little choir we had (and trying to keep up with Fr Victor).
Fr Victor: You are a wonderful man, and we really appreciate you driving a great distance to be with us, and leading us. We enjoyed your work, and look forward to seeing you again, soon.

On Saturday, February 2, 2007, we had a Divine Liturgy celebrated by Fr Victor Trotskyy (from the Dormition Cathdral in Ferndale) at the Holy Ascension Serbian Orthodox Church in Ecorse, Michigan. This was our third Liturgy as a group, and were blessed to have 14 people attend, many of whom had Holy Communion - CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Charles and Cody were great Altar Servers (in actual Orthodox Altar Boy robes), and Claudia and Sasha helped make the choir sound so great, and they were so great at reading the Kontakians and Troparians.
It was great to see a few people from Holy Ascension join us, too. Sonia Boyar did a phenominal job directing the little choir we had. Everything in English!
Afterwards, we all enjoyed a nice little luncheon.
The following day, Sunday, we also had a Reader's Service, where 16 people attended, followed by our first Church School class, and of course, snacks. We then went to Belmar Lanes (in Lincoln Park - what a great place and nice people) where our 7 youth enjoyed a couple of games of bowling.
Enjoy the pictures, and please consider joining us. Our schedule is always posted here, or you can call/e-mail anytime.

February 3rd was a wonderful, spiritual day at All Saints. We had 16 people visit and participate with us in our Reader's Service at Holy Ascension. Many people were getting into the act with us.
Today was also the First Day of our Church School. This is a 10 week program that although is structured, enjoys the fact that each week will be a class independant within itself. Today's lesson for the Older ones was What is Orthodoxy?, and the younger ones learned about Baptism.

After a big weekend in our new home, we decided that the kids deserved a fun time out.
Belmar Lanes (in Lincoln Park) was a great place. They gave our kids their shoes for free, and allowed us to bowl past the closing time.
The kids had a great time. Charles won the first game, although Ruthie gave him a run for his money. Claudia rolled a 100, too. The second game went to Cody. He was a sleeper all the way to the end with his side arm delivery. After, we stopped at McDonalds and on to the Super Bowl party.

It was a historical First for our Mission, and what a Beautiful Service it was!!
Our First Sunday Divine Liturgy was lead by Father Svetislav Mirolovich, who came all the way from Cleveland, Ohio to be with us. We had a new record attendance of 21 people (8 children), who helped celebrate in many ways. Some sang, some read, most of us had Holy Communion, and Eli was phenomenal as our Altar Boy.
After a few group photos, we all went downstairs to enjoy a Spaghetti Dinner that was prepared to perfection by Alex Kapetan. It was great - Thank you Alex! The kids then learned about the Publican and Pharisee and colored some pictures that were posted up on the bulletin board for everyone to enjoy.

Along with the largest group to attend our Divine Liturgy (see article above), we also had a representative from the local newspaper taking photographs, and again, a wonderfully written article by Donna Abramczyk Religious Editor of the News Herald Newspaper.
Please click on this scanned article. The actual article was over a half page in size, however was reduced to fit into our format.
Again, Thank you Donna - We really appreciate everything you have done for us.

On March 9, 2008, Orthodox Christians across the world continue the long journey in preparation for our Holy Pascha, but this Sunday is very important also because we are given the opportunity to ask forgiveness to everyone for any and all things that we have done to hurt or offend.
This special Vespers really enables us to enter into a special part of our lives. By asking (and giving forgiveness - As God would), we open our hearts and minds to begin a new, fresh, clean opportunity of living as He would.
This also officially starts our 40 days of fasting, studying, and praying.
As you glance over these photos, look at the happiness and fulfillment on everyone's faces.

During the Wednesdays of Great Lent, All Saints Orthodox Mission Church was proud to have sponsored a Very Interesting Lenten Series. Seminarian Sub-Deacon Michael Merren hosted a Catechetical monograph on the passage "Who do people say that am I?" which is written in Mark 8:27; Matthew 16:13. |

Even with an unexpected 7 inches of snow that arrived this fine Spring morning, Fr Zivko Kajevic, of St Stevan Decanski (Warren, MI) and our Holy Ascension (Ecorse, MI), led 14 of us in a beautiful Divine Liturgy (where we also prayed for Soul Saturday).
It was a wonderful intimate service with a beautiful choir, 2 people receiving Holy Confession and most Holy Communion. Poor Fr Zivko was suffering with a tremendous amount of pain in his foot, but managed to get through everything, and had a little time to share coffee with us.
As we enjoy these beautiful photographs, please stop for a second and pray for Fr Zivko's health - He was Great . . . . . and don't forget about praying in Memory of our many family and friends whom we honored today.

What a Special Weekend!
We were blessed to have Sub-Deacon Michael Merren, his wife Danell, and their 3 daughters come and serve with us on this Beautiful Spring Day in Downriver Detroit. They woke up when it was still dark, and drove over 3 hours (each way) just to be with us.
What a wonderful family, and What a nice time we had inside and out.

Sonia Boyar taught a class of all ages the art of "Pysanky" which is an Eastern European custom of Artwork dedicated for Pascha, on Sunday, April 13, 2008 at the Holy Ascension Serbian Orthodox Banquet Facility where we had 35 people come in. This is the 5th year we have gotten together to do (although) it is the first time for many in our mission. |

What a beautiful day we had. The sun was shining. the temperature was warm, and everyone had energy. After a very nice Reader's Service and Church School, we all gathered outside to start the laborious task of washing Winter away. So many of our families came, brought their friends, and everyone worked so hard to make our place so Beautiful.
Stop by and take a look around. The place looks Great. Thank you to everyone who came by to help.

On June 22, 2008, we celebrated the First Anniversary of our Mission. Today is All Saints Day! With 38 people coming to be with us (our largest group yet), and our Spiritual Advisor, Fr Gregory leading us, we all had a great time.
Several wonderful Orthodox things happened today: Sasha Boyar had her first Holy Confession, Caitlyn Bowser (with her mother Patricia) had her first dedicated Orthodox Prayers (which precedes her Baptism/Chrismation coming very soon), and congratulations to many people who received Holy Communion.
Sub-Deacon (and Master Chef) Michael Merren cooked lots of great food (but wouldn't clean up), and Diane McGee organized many games for the kids who also took home some real nice gifts.
We were especially honored to have Father Zivko Kajavic and his Protonitza come join us for a while.
With beautiful weather, we enjoyed our (as the Serbs call it) SLAVA very much.