Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
All Saints Orthodox Church Ministries
A Dearborn/Downriver Orthodox Parish for Everyone
Prayer List
We are hoping to continue this list of everyone who may be in need of our special prayers and attention.  This could be an elder, or an ill person;  someone who will be facing something crucial in their life (good or bad), or someone who is going on a trip.  Your family or friend does not have to be a member of our church - Just someone who needs a little support. 
Please - Just call or e-mail us, and submit their name and story.  We will let everyone know.  If your person would need some other kind of help, as well,  please let us know so that we can help them find an answer.
His Eminence, Archbishop NATHANIEL POPP
Monk SERAPHIM (Canada)
Fr. Michael Carney
Fr. Roman Starr
Fr. Dimitrie Vincent

Reader Nicholas Benard
Amanda Cohn Love*
Jean Ficzycz
Bill Fraser*
Sharon Garrett*
Kristine Hunt*
Ulana Kushner
Boris Mitrofanov
Nadeja Sepell
Paul (Pastor Russ Schaller)
Marissa Trullard*
Birthdays and Anniversaries
(Parishioners, Friends and Loved Ones)
(Please send us their Names)



Birthdays and Anniversaries - August

08/01 – Happy Birthday Tanya Boyar
08/03 – Happy Birthday Diane Boyar
08/03 – Happy Birthday Elena Hodgson
08/04 – Happy Birthday Ryan Sharba*
08/06 – Happy Birthday Matushka Abby Genig
08/08 – Happy Birthday Tanya Harchenko
08/11 – Happy Birthday David Langell
08/11 – Happy Birthday Mary Ann Dadich
08/12 – Happy Birthday Vitaliy Bezrodnov
08/14 – Happy Birthday Daniel Race
08/14 – Happy Birthday Paul Goodpaster*
08/14 – Happy Birthday Dr. Boris Leheta*
08/16 – Happy Birthday Ina Harchenko
08/18 – Happy Birthday Caitlyn Bowser
08/18 – Happy Birthday Jonathon Britt*
08/20 – Happy Birthday Joseph Tahmouch
08/20 – Happy Birthday Kostya Harchenko
08/21 – Happy Birthday Mary Gataiant
08/22 – Happy Birthday Elen Antypas
08/22 – Happy Birthday Richard Shebib
08/22 – Happy Birthday Olena Danylyuk
08/23 – Happy Birthday Inna Obraz
08/24 – Happy Birthday Luis Nino
08/24 – Happy Birthday Stella Qualls*
08/26 – Happy Birthday Dee Stein*
08/26 – Happy Birthday Brian Marshall*
08/26 – Happy Birthday Marilyn Beech*
08/27 – Happy Birthday Dima Yakovenko
08/28 – Happy Birthday Crystal Sirdan*
08/30 – Happy Birthday Dan Thomas*
08/30 – Happy Birthday Shannon Phillips*
08/31 – Happy Birthday Robb Carter*

08/08 – Happy Anniversary Fr Gregory/Mat Elizabeth Joyce
08/20 – Happy Anniversary Michael/Vicki Lakin*
08/25 – Happy Anniversary Charles/Patricia Bowser
08/28 – Happy Anniversary Todd/Kristine Hunt*




newly reposed, Sonia Boyar

His Eminence, Archbishop ALYPY
V Rev Lukian Steciuk
Matushka Pelagia Steciuk

Archimandrite Alexander Pihach
SubDeacon Peter Boyar

Millie Boskovich
Catherine Bowser*
Vera Clark*
Don Geoffrion*
Michael Michaels
Svetlana Mitrofanova
Greg Popoff
River Rouge Police Chief Deborah Price*
Robert Siepierski*

(* - non-Orthodox)
Prayers for Ukraine

Confession in Ukraine. I will surmise that the protesters in the freezing cold of Kiev display their love of Christ like this, especially during their struggle. And this after more than 70 years of Communism! Would we remain this strong in America? Will we?


Prayers for Ukraine - A Special Appeal from Our Spiritual Advisor!

As many in our parish family have noted, we have begun to pray for peace for peace in Ukraine in the Divine Services over the last few weeks. Metropolitan Hilarion asked for these special prayers to be read, and Bishop Peter blessed their use in our diocese. However, with so many people dying over the last few days it is clearly time for us to do more than just wait until the next Divine Service to hear these prayers and be satisfied with this alone.

We have people from all different backgrounds in our parish. This is one of the real strengths of our spiritual family – the unity we find in our diversity. Everyone is welcome to their own political opinion, of course (assuming this opinion does not violate our Christian beliefs), but if we as Christians allow this present crisis to descend only the level of political “sides” we will endanger the unity in diversity, and the Christian love, that we find in our parish. In other words, politics must always be secondary for us – our Christian duties must be primary. One of our important Christian duties is not to seek help just from the powers of the world, but principally from the Lord Himself.

Some of us feel one way about the events in Ukraine – other feel another. But none of us, as Christians, can ignore the death of so many people. Thus, as your Spiritual Advisor I am asking you all to pray daily for peace in Ukraine. How that peace plays out is largely up to God’s intervention in the hearts of all those involved. Thus the necessity for us to pray for peace – to pray that those involved allow the Lord to work in their souls – souls involved in such a passionate struggle (on both sides). If this takes place – if both sides can subordinate themselves to God’s will – then certainly peace will come quickly to Ukraine and to anywhere and anyone who humbly opens himself to the Lord’s guidance in this way.

To this end, we present here the links to two prayers. The first is the prayer found at the end of the moleben “For the Pacification of Men’s Passions”. To this we have appended the “Prayer for Enemies”, in case one of our readers has already allowed the Devil to do his work in dividing the Christian people. The second is the prayer we often read at the end of the Divine Liturgy on Sundays at our parish, the prayer to the Holy Great Prince Vladimir. He was a man of war who found peace in the Lord – a peace that led him to the Heavenly Kingdom and led to the baptism of the whole land of Rus’. May the prayers of St. Vladimir, who stands before the Lord in Heaven, preserve, protect, and bring peace to Kiev and to all of the lands of ancient Rus’!

Prayer for the Pacification of Men’s Passions (will be updated with Russian/Slavonic ASAP):

Prayer to the Holy Great Prince Vladimir (this one in Russian/Slavonic too):



Special Prayers for Bosnia and Serbia Flood Relief

Although coverage has been rather sparse in the western media, Serbia and Bosina are presently undergoing flooding not seen there in many generations. Scores of people have been killed. Hundreds and thousands have lost their homes and all their worldly possessions and now struggle simply to feed, cloth, and shelter themselves. As children of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia we are deeply indebted to the people of the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia, of which present day Bosnia and Serbia were a part. King Alexander welcomed the Russian refugees with open arms after the Russian revolution, providing support in every possible way, and most importantly for us, providing support for our exiled bishops so that they could spiritually guide the émigré flock, its dioceses and parishes.

In this time of need for the Serbian and Bosnian people we have the opportunity to in some small way repay their past boundless generosity to our Church and her hierarchs. To this end, Bishop Peter has blessed each of our parishes to take up a special collection this coming Sunday to provide humanitarian relief for those suffering so greatly in Bosnia and Serbia. All funds will be given over to the Serbian Orthodox Church to support their relief efforts on the ground. If you would like to help but cannot be present for the collection please contact Fr. Gregory or SubDeacon Michael Boyar. Thank you in advance for your generous support!



Thank you note from Rick Schultz
(This is Rick's response after we sent him a little note checking up:)
I'm doing pretty good.  Good days and not so good days. (Like everyone else I guess. lol)
I appreciate you and your Parish thinking about me and praying for me. I can use all the help I can get.
Thank you very much.
Memory Eternal Sub-Deacon Peter Boyar



BOYAR PETER Age 78, April 2, 2014 of Dearborn. Husband of Sonia A. Boyar. Father of Michael (Tanya) Boyar, Tanya (Paul) Streffon, Tamara (Lawrence) Wilson, and Alexander (Elizabeth) Boyar. Grandfather of Michelle, Laura and Jenna Streffon, Claire and Martin Wilson, Alexandra Boyar and Nathaniel Boyar. Funeral at Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Cathedral, 3810 Gilbert, Detroit, April 8th at 6:00 p.m. and burial at Dormition Orthodox Monastery in Rives Junction on April 9th at 3:30 p.m. Memorials to the Dormition of the Mother of God Orthodox Monastery at


From The Detroit News and Detroit Free Press

  • Your Name
  • Your Email
  • Recipient's Email

Guestbook listing for PETER BOYAR 7

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Memory Eternal Arnold Birko
I am very sorry to tell you that Mr. Arnold Birko passed away.  
 - Husband of Natalia and Father of Volodymyr, Ina and Andri.
Mr. Birko will be in state at Saint Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
(21931 Evergreen St. (between 8-9 Mile Roads) Southfield, MI 48076)
Thursday at 6:00 p.m.  
Panakhyda 7:00 p.m.
Funeral Service Friday 10:00 a.m.  
Burial at Parkview Cemetery.
Please keep Mr Birko and his family in your prayers.
May his Memory Be Eternal!
Call Buhay Funeral Chapel with any questions (313) 891-6577.
(Note:  Evergreen Road is Closed for Construction)
Memory Eternal Greg Popoff
I am very sorry to tell you that Gregory Popoff has passed away.  
 - He was a supporter of our Mission Parish, and attended before his major stroke 3 years ago.
Greg will be in state at Ss Peter and Paul Orthodox Cathedral
(3810 Gilbert St. (near Michigan and Livernois) Detroit, MI 48210)
Burial at Grandlawn Cemetery.
Please keep Greg and his family in your prayers.
May his Memory Be Eternal!
Memory Eternal Dr. Stan Boyar



BOYAR, Dr. Stan
Physician, husband, father, grandfather, teacher and friend died peacefully at Foothills Country Hospice on December 3, 2014 at the age of 66. Stan is survived by his most cherished family: his wife, Avis; his children Tam, Megan, and Anna; their partners Alix, Donovan, and Geoff; grandchildren Connor, Benjamin, and Esma; Stan's brothers Gerry and Joe. Stan employed his talents as an emergency doctor close to home and abroad, practising in Calgary, Medicine Hat and in Saudi Arabia. He was the Medical Director of the Toronto Beijing Hospital in China. An accomplished physician, he is perhaps best remembered for the meaningful relationships he formed with his patients, his students, and his colleagues; for his leadership; and for his vision and ability to see the "big picture". Stan showed tremendous generosity, compassion and respect toward people and toward animals, not least his beloved Golden Doodle, Poco. Stan had travelled the world, a "global soul", but he was happiest at home in Priddis and the family cottage in White River. Stan was fearless in many aspects of his life, be it skiing deep powder or managing some of the challenges of his illness in the last year. He instilled this fearlessness in his family and friends; he gave them both roots and wings. A Funeral is scheduled for Friday, December 12 at 2:00 p.m. at Red Deer Lake United Church. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Stan Boyar's life. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Dr. Stan Boyar can be made to support the Rural Family Medicine Residency Program at the University of Calgary's Department of Family Medicine. Please send cheques (payable to the University of Calgary) to the Cumming School of Medicine Fund Development Office, University of Calgary at 3330 Hospital Dr. NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 4N1. The family thanks all the health care workers in the community, hospital and hospice for their advocacy, their individual expertise and their compassion. Most especially, the family thanks their extended family members and friends for their love and support over the last year.

Published in The Calgary Herald from Dec. 6 to Dec. 7, 2014\

Here is the link to the actual article:

Please take a moment to pray for his whole family.  They have all gone through a lot of tragedy and labored through an entire emotional roller coaster.

Memory Eternal Reader Basil Wolff

Long-time parishioner of St. Vladimir Church - Ann Arbor (and dear friend of our mission parish), Reader Bill Wolff reposed in the Lord yesterday, on the feast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple, December 4, 2014, about 10:00 a.m. There will not be a funeral at this time. Unfortunately this decision is not within our control. But, certainly Bill will be thankful for our prayers, and we encourage our parish family to prayerfully remember Bill – especially during these 40 days. The 40th day is Monday, January 12, 2015.

The next pannykhida for Reader Basil will be held on January 13, 2015. This is the 41st day after Bill's repose. Bill chose to be cremated rather than buried according to the Orthodox Christian custom. Of course we respect Bill's decision and desire nothing for him but his salvation! However, our bishops have asked us not to be cremated, but rather to arrange for ourselves Christian burial. Those who are cremated are not afforded a funeral and memorial services are not held until after the 40th day. This is not to say that we are mad at Bill for his decision – not at all! But there are repercussions for our actions and we must be obedient to the decisions of our bishops who have established this practice of memorials for those who are voluntarily cremated. Let us come together as a parish family on January 13 – the eve of the feast of Bill's patron, St. Basil the Great – and celebrate the life of our friend even as we grieve his loss. Vespers begins that night at St. Vladimir, 6:00 p.m. with the Pannykhida immediately to follow. Matins will not be served on this evening.

Those with questions about Orthodox Christian burial are urged to contact Fr. Gregory for more information.
Please remember our newly-departed brother, Reader Basil, in your prayers! May his memory be eternal!

Memory Eternal Manya Soviak

ABICK-SOVIAK, MANYA 2014-12-28 / Age 91

An individual who can not be duplicated, a true example of the greatest generation that ever lived.
Loved by many missed by all.
Mother of George. Beloved grandmother of Eric. Aunt of George.
October 4, 1923 - December 26, 2014
Interment Woodmere Cemetery.

May her Memory be Eternal!

In lieu of flowers, memorials suggested to Childrens Leukemia foundation of Michigan.
See more at:



Memory Eternal Roy Szymanski

Roy Szymanski
(9/30/1948 - 1/11/2015; Age 70)

Son of the late Raymond and Frances Szymanski, brother of Tom (Barbara), the late Marion, Eugene and Judy.  Uncle to Tony, Mat, Brian, Lynn and Tiffany. Great Uncle to many.  Dearest friend to Gus.

Successful Businessman at St. Hedwig Flower Shop; Well Respected and Loved by the Community.
(Supporter of our Mission Parish)


Laying In-State for one day only
Friday, January 16, 2015 from 2pm - 8pm
Light Refreshments will be served all day.

Professional Mortuary Services
3833 Livernois Street (just south of Michigan Avenue)
Detroit, Michigan 48210

Donations accepted to help the family defray costs;
Purchase Flowers from St. Hedwig Flower Shop appreciated
3301 Junction Street, Detroit, MI 48210

May his Memory Be Eternal




Memory Eternal Michael Michaels

Michael H. Michaels
(April 8, 1937 - January 31, 2015; Age 77)

Loving Husband of his cherished wife, Sandi
Son of the late Protodeacon Harry and Matushka Anna Michaels.
Brother of the late Christine (David) Marshall.  Uncle to Christine.
Godfather of Many (including SubDeacon Michael)

Successful Art Teacher in the Detroit School System and Church School;
Well Respected and Loved by so many in many Communities.
(Supporter of our Mission Parish)



Thursday, February 5, 2015
Laying In-State from 2pm - 9pm

Panakhida at 7:30pm.

Harry J. Will Funeral Home
37000 West 6 Mile Road (just west of Newburgh)
Livonia, Michigan 48152 - (734) 591-3700

Friday, February 6, 2015
9:30am-10:00am - Laying In-State
10:00am - Funeral Service

St. Michael Russian Orthodox Church
Fr. Timothy Barna, Officiating
2330 West Chicago Road
Redford, MI 48239 - (313) 934-0970

May his Memory Be Eternal!



Memory Eternal Fr. Roman Braga

April 2, 1922 -­ April 28, 2015

By Dr. Dan Hinshaw

In the instructions that Fr. Roman gave regarding his death and funeral, he specifically stated that there should be no eulogies given. But as one of his many spiritual children who were so fond of hearing him offer a “word” at the end of Liturgy, I would like to humbly offer with love and deep gratitude my observations, as one of his physicians, in witness to the final word he offered us as he approached his death. Fr. Roman always encouraged us to think of prayer as a continual, ongoing conversation with God; nothing, no activity, no matter how seemingly trivial, falls outside of the Providence of God’s love and care for His creatures. And, so it has been during this long final leg of his journey toward the Kingdom. His living unto death has been one continual prayer. Always present, as a beacon guiding his path during these many months of decline and suffering, has been the precept so often stated by the spiritual father of his youth, Fr. Cleopa of Sihastria: “Patience, patience, patience!” He literally was a living icon of Christ’s admonition recorded in St. Luke’s gospel (21:19): “In patience possess your souls.”

In the same gospel (Luke 6:20), our Lord also states: “Blessed are you poor…” Fr. Roman, as a monastic had already voluntarily embraced holy poverty but in these last two years of his life, he was given the grace to experience the absolute poverty of the dying, a particularly slow kenosis, a complete self-emptying, like his Crucified Lord. There was no hesitation, no resistance or bargaining, only full acceptance of whatever would come with all the uncertainty and suffering. At the time of his 93rd birthday, just a few weeks before his death, he was asked, if the traditional birthday salutation, “Many Years,” should be sung. His response summed up the essence of the Orthodox Christian life: “No! I have finally begun to learn how to die.”

When politely asked how he was doing, he would frequently reply with a smile, “I’m waiting.” That simple phrase, “I’m waiting,” must be placed within the context of the faithful, disciplined commitment to his daily rule of prayer that sustained and enervated him through this long trial. Indeed, it is unlikely that he would have lived as long as he did, being literally eaten up by his illness, without the discipline of his prayer life. Not only did he live in continual conversation with God, he also placed this healing relationship within the communion and sacramental life of the Church. Armed with a habit of prayer, he could then face the gradual stripping away, first, of his ability to stand and serve as a priest at the altar, later, his ability to attend Liturgy in a wheelchair, and finally, even to rise from his bed to complete his daily rule of prayer. And yet, he continued to pray while lying immobile in bed the quintessential prayer of the Christian penitent, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”  When speech finally deserted him, he still silently made the sign of the cross, for he had attained to silence, the language of Paradise.

In his constant concern for others and as the consummate teacher he was he would sometimes from the depths of his own struggles stop and teach us. There was no act, no small kindness that escaped his notice. Even when he appeared to be asleep from exhaustion or in deep prayer, he would always say, “Thank you,” at which his caregivers would always marvel but secretly cherish in gratitude. When he could no longer ambulate, rather than complain, he simply said, ““I can’t use my legs anymore, so I must rely more on God.” And in reference to the disruption of his long established monastic rule of prayer, he said, “I just can’t do it any longer. God must take over.” There is a real tedium to dying. Near the end of his long decline, Fr. Roman expressed this reality by saying, “Dying is so difficult.” But, he transcended the difficulty of dying by embodying the monastic discipline of cheerfully accepting the ultra mundane. He fought the boredom, the pain and frustration of his progressive disability by embracing small joys. None of us who witnessed his childlike pleasure when eating ice cream will ever think of this dessert again without remembering his saying that “monks are children with beards.”

It is an enormous grace of God to attend to the suffering of the dying, especially when that dying person radiates the love of God. It creates a yearning to follow the loved one all the way and yet each death is ultimately a solitary experience.  Graciously, Fr. Roman allowed us to journey with him and become witnesses of his suffering through death unto real life. The paradox of suffering is that we not only suffer alone but also in community. Love bridges the gap. Thank God that this man who had suffered so much in his earlier life was surrounded by  a community of love and healing at the end of his earthly sojourn.

Fr. Roman’s long slow decline over the past two years has been a type of the second half of the Divine Liturgy, the Liturgy of the Faithful, in which according to his own spiritual rhythm, his communion with God has been perfected in his suffering or in St. Paul’s words, God’s strength has been made perfect in his weakness. His spiritual health and his ultimate healing have been marked by his deep humility and devotion to the Eucharist in which he would proclaim, “I am not worthy to approach you Lord, but I cannot live without you.”

Fr. Roman once made the profound observation that “Suffering is the source of culture.” How we, as Christians, suffer can either elevate or diminish the essence or soul of our culture.  So we look to the saints of old and those contemporary witnesses like Fr. Roman to serve as our models and guides as we face our own suffering.

Thank you Fr. Roman for teaching us until the very end. We ask for your continued prayers for all your spiritual children and for the entire Church.

Father Roman Braga: May his memory be eternal!



Memory Eternal Sally DeRoo
Christ is Risen!
During the night of May 4-5 our Sister in Christ Sally (Anna) DeRoo fell asleep in The Lord. She lay down to sleep on May 4 and gave up her soul during the night. Please remember Sally (her baptismal name is Anna) in your prayers during these 40 days! The 40th day is June 13, 2015. Since Sally has chosen to be cremated there will be no memorial services until after that date. More information on those services will be forthcoming. I know I can say for our entire parish family that Sally will be truly missed by us all. She was a wonderful, hard working, and very faithful servant of our Lord.
May the memory of our Sister Anna be truly eternal!



Memory Eternal Fr. Michael Barna
Dear Members and Friends:
It is with deep sadness that I am informing you that my father,  Archimandrite Ilya Barna, 96, fell asleep in the Lord this morning at 3:06 a.m Friday, May 8, 2015 at Wellspring Home in Livonia, MI.  Please pray for his soul.    The following listed schedule for services are as follows:
All service will be held at St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church, 26355 West Chicago Rd., Redford, MI.
Wednesday, May 13th – VISITATION     4 P.M.  to 9 P.M.
                                          PARASTAS      7:30 P.M.
Thursday, May 14th -       VISITATION    4 P.M.  - 7 P.M.
                                          FUNERAL SERVICE     7 P.M. to 9 P.M.
Friday, May 15th -             DIVINE LITURGY    -  9:00 A.M.
With Love in Christ,
Fr. Timothy
Memory Eternal Fr. Frank Timpko

Archpriest Frank Timpko

Archpriest Frank Timpko, 70, who in retirement was attached to Saint Paul Cathedral, Dearborn Heights, MI, fell asleep in the Lord on Monday, November 16, 2015.

The son of Helen Timpko and the late Nicholas Timpko, he is survived by his beloved wife, Matushka Janet, and their son Feodor (Audra) Timpko; two brothers, Archpriest Nicholas (Matushka Anastasia) Timpko and Charles (Patricia) Timpko; one sister, Matushka Mary (Archpriest Paul) Suda; and two grandchildren, Dimitri and Keirstin Timpko.  He was predeceased by two sisters, Matushka Anna (the late Archpriest John) Voytilla and Helen (Andy) Mehalshick.

Visitation will held from 3:00 until 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 19, at Saint Paul Cathedral, 700 North Beech Daly, Dearborn Heights, MI, with the Rite of Burial for a Priest slated to be celebrated at 7:00 p.m.  On Friday, November 20, visitation will continue at the cathedral at 9:00 a.m., followed by the Divine Liturgy.  Interment will follow at 1:30 p.m. at the Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery, Rives Junction, MI.

Father Frank’s family asks that donations in his memory be sent to Saint Paul Cathedral, 700 North Beech Daly, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127.

May Father Frank’s memory be eternal!



Memory Eternal Rick Tymoc

Tribute Wall

Obituary for Richard "Rick" Tymoc

Richard "Rick" Tymoc
Beloved Husband of Jean Begian Tymoc.
Dear Father of Christina (Andy) Plumer, Elizabeth "Liz" Tymoc and Michael (Ashley) Tymoc.
Dear Grandfather of Maya Plumber
Dear Son of Rose and the late Michael Tymoc
Dear Brother of Larissa (Gregory) Kuprianiak and Nina (Joseph) Miklos
Service Schedule
Friday at O'Brien/Sullivan Funeral Home (41555 Grand River Novi, MI  248/348-1800)
 - 2-8pm - In-State Visitation
 - 7pm - Panakhida at 7pm,
Saturday at Ss Peter and Paulr Orthodox Cathedral  (3810 Gilbert Street  Detroit, MI  313/897-3308)
 - 9:00 am   In-State Visitation
 - 10.00 am Funeral Services beginning at 10:00 a.m.
May His Memory Be Eternal!.
Memory Eternal Mary Grigorenko

Mary Grigorenko Obituary

Date of Birth:
Friday, September 23rd, 1932

Date of Death:
Tuesday, March 29th, 2016


Funeral Home:
Armstrong Funeral Home Limited
124 King Street East
Oshawa, Ontario, CANADA
L1H 1B6


Grigorenko, Mary – Passed away peacefully at Lakeridge Health Port Perry on Tuesday March 29, 2016 at the age of 83. Mary, beloved wife of the late Walter Grigorenko, daughter of the late William and Anisia Boyar, sister of the late Lydia Ivanoff (Niagara Falls), the late Stanley Boyar (Hamilton), the late Catherine Dillon (San Antonio TX), and the late Peter Boyar (Dearborn, MI). Dear aunt of the late Dr. Stan Boyar (Calgary, AB), Joe Boyar (BC), Gerry Boyar (Hamilton), Larry Ivanoff (Niagara Falls), Danny Arych (Edmonton), Diane MacLeod (Oshawa), Michael Boyar (Gibraltar, MI), Tanya Streffon (Cincinnati, OH), Tamara Wilson (Brownsburg, IN), and Alex Boyar (Belleville, MI). Lovingly remembered by several cousins in Canada and the United States. Mary was born in Renwer, Manitoba on September 23, 1932, the 4th of seven children of a carpenter and his wife. At an early age, she moved often, including Winnipeg and Toronto, where she attended public high school. In 1952 she met her future lifelong love, Walter Grigorenko and was married in October, moved to Oshawa and started their lives together. She was an active member of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Ladies Aid there. She was an honourary member of the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada “Barvinok” of which she was the President for over 10 years. She worked as an active member of the Local Council of Women, and the local UNICEF Branch. She was an advisor to the Church Youth Group “CYMK” and a Sunday School teacher for over 10 years. She sang in the church choir and was a member of the Ukrainian Trembita Choir. For a short time, she was also a member of the Optimist Club of Oshawa and a founding member of the Folk Arts Council, sitting on the board for over 40 years. Mary was also involved in the political arena for several years. She loved music and singing, being with her family and friends, she enjoyed gardening, needlework, painting and travelling. She really liked working with all people, young and old. She especially loved her neighbours and was very proud of her longevity in her community. Resting at the ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME, 124 King Street East, Oshawa on Friday April 1, 2016 from 2 – 4 & 7 – 9 pm. Panachyda will be held at 7 pm. A funeral service will be held in St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Saturday April 2, 2016 at 11 am. Interment Union Cemetery, Oshawa. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church, or the charity of your choice would be appreciated and may be made, along with condolences by visiting

In our hearts forever to stay
May her Memory be Eternal!




Prayer Request: His Eminence Metropolitan Antony

Date: Thursday, October 6, 2016, 9:26 PM
Beloved brethren in Christ!
     His Eminence Metropolitan Antony was rushed to the local Detroit, MI metropolitan area hospital with the diagnosis of irregular heart beat. He was admitted and due to professionalism of medical staff of the hospital was diagnosed with a serious case of kidney stones and additional complications with his previous medical diagnosis.  Presently, His Eminence is still in the hospital.


Date: Sunday, October 9, 2016, 12:06 PM
Beloved brethren in the Lord: 
     I am sending you this email note from the Somerset Medical Center in Somerset, NJ.  Earlier this morning, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony was once again hospitalized with the diagnosis of severely enlarged kidney stones.  At this time, Metropolitan Antony is admitted and shall remain hospitalized for at least two days. 


Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 10:20 PM
Beloved brethren: CHRIST IS AMONG US!
     I am sending you this note from the local Somerset/Somerville, NJ Medical Hospital.  About four hours ago, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony underwent a medical procedure during which a stent was placed and Vladyka was prepared for the upcoming surgery on his kidneys. The surgery itself is scheduled for this coming Thursday, during which several large kidney stones are to be removed.



Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016, 5:50 PM
Beloved brethren in the Lord:
     I am writing you this short note with another request for prayers:  His Eminence Metropolitan Antony was just released from the local Somerset medical hospital following a week long battle with irregular heart rate and severe case of kidney stones. Vladyka Antony shall remain under direct medical supervision for the next several days, leading all of us into the opening days of the 21st Regular Sober of the UOC of the USA.

We are asking the clergy and the faithful of the UOC of the USA to pray for Vladyka's speedy recovery.
With prayers,
Bishop Daniel




Memory Eternal Fr. Alexander (Pihach)

Archimandrite Alexander [Pihach]

Archimandrite Alexander [Pihach]
Archimandrite Alexander [Pihach]

Archimandrite Alexander [Pihach], 64, unexpectedly fell asleep in the Lord on the night of October 7, 2016 while visiting the rectory of Christ the Savior Sobor here, where he was the guest of Archpriest Vasyl and Matushka Oksana Kolega.

Archimandrite Alexander had faithfully served as Dean of the Orthodox Church in America’s Representation Church of Saint Catherine the Great Martyr and as OCA Representative to the Patriarchate of Moscow since his appointment by the Holy Synod of Bishops on November 30, 2012.

Born Dennis Alexander Pihach in Saskatoon, SK, on June 27, 1952 and raised in an Orthodox Christian family, Archimandrite Alexander graduated from Saint Andrew’s College, Winnipeg, MB, in 1973.  He continued his studies in Sociology and Slavic Studies and graduated from the University of Saskatchewan, after which he was employed with Social Services.  In 1986, he was ordained to the priesthood in the OCA’s Archdiocese of Canada and assigned to plant a mission in Yorkton, SK—now Saint Mark’s Church—while continuing his employment with Youth Addictions Services.

He was elected Dean of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Deanery and appointed Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Canada in 1996. Two years later, he was assigned Rector of Saint Herman of Alaska Sobor, Edmonton, AB.

On July 11, 2009, he was tonsured to monastic orders and elevated to the dignity of Igumen of Saint Elias Skete, Dickie Bush, AB.  On September 1 of the same year, he was appointed Interim Dean of Annunciation Cathedral, Ottawa, ON.  He was elevated to the dignity of Archimandrite and returned to Saint Herman Sobor on a full time basis in May 2011.

Archimandrite Alexander is survived by two brothers, Terry and Murray Pihach, and his nieces and nephews Andria, Jesse, Bryan, Chantelle, and Genna-Rae.

Additional information and service times will be posted as they are received.

May Archimandrite Alexander’s memory be eternal!



Letter from Archbishop PETER about the Las Vegas Shooting




Memory Eternal +ANTOUN


Memory Eternal! + Bishop Antoun

Memory Eternal! + Bishop Antoun

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." John 11:25

Christ is Risen....

With great sadness and hope in the Resurrection, His Eminence Metropolitan JOSEPH announces the passing into eternal life of His Grace Bishop ANTOUN this morning, October 2, 2017.

The details of the funeral arrangements will be posted as soon as they become available..



Coptic Orthodox Priest Persecuted in Egypt

+Memory Eternal+

Cairo-Egypt: A Coptic Orthodox Christian priest was murdered and another was injured in a knife attack this morning in the Capital city of Cairo.

Father ‘Samaan Shihata’ (Fr Simon) from Bani Suief, Upper Egypt, was on a visit to Cairo with another priest. They were attacked by some unknown person who killed Fr Simon.

Local media reported that police have arrested the culprit and he is currently under investigation.

The ancient Coptic orthodox christian community in Egypt face various persecution from religious fanatics .

May be the memory of the depart be eternal.

OCP News Service

For more information, please refer to this link:




Memory Eternal: Svetlana Mitrofanova


It is with a truly heavy heart that I must share the news that one of our Dearest Friend (and Founding Member of our Mission Parish), SVETLANA MITROFANOVA has passed away after a courageous battle with cancer.

She was a Truly Accompllished Professional, with a lot of love for God, her family, friends and everyone she touched with her heart.  She always thought of others first and had such a contagious laugh.  She will truly be missed by her family and friends from all over the world!

She leaves behind her loving husband Boris, son Sergei (Victoria), daughter Tanya Boyar (Michael), 4 grandchildren (Timothy, Vsevalod, Alexandra, Daniel) and so much extended family throughout America and Europe.


Funeral Arrangements have just been completed and blessed:

Everything will take place at St. Vladimir Russian Orthdodox Church - Ann Arbor
(9900 Jackson Road  Dexter, Michigan  48130)

5:30pm - Arriving to church, laying in state
7:00pm - Panakhida (Fr. Gregory Joyce, presiding)
9:00pm - Completed

12:00noon - Funeral Service
Burial to follow immediately at St. Vladimir Church Cemetery (on the campus grounds)

Friday, January 11, 2019:
10:00am - 9 day Memorial Service at St. Vladimir Cemetery

Monday, February 6, 2019:
10:00am - 40 day Memorial Service at St. Vladimir Cemetery (TBD)





If you wish:
Donations/Gifts may be offered to the family, All Saints Orthodox Mission Church, or St. Vladimir Orthodox Church

Flowers/Gifts may be conveniently ordered and delivered from
St Hedwig Florist / All Saints Orthodox Gift Shoppe (a ministry of All Saints Orthodox Church)

313/897-4880 (direct cell - call/text anytime)


Please Pray for His Eminence, Archbishop Alypy

Statement from the Diocesan Chancery of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America

September 25/October 8, 2015

Venerable Sergius of Radonezh

On October 7, 2015 His Eminence Archbishop Alypy experienced a sudden bout of low blood pressure. His Eminence was transported to the hospital and after an examination it was determined that he was suffering from a pulmonary embolism. His Eminence is responding well to the prescribed medication and although his condition is serious, it is not life threatening. Nonetheless, we ask the prayers of the faithful for Archbishop Alypy during his convalescence. Updates will be provided if and when warranted. It is our hope and expectation that Vladyka will recover from this episode and be able to return to his activities in the near future.



His Grace Bishop Athanasius of Kisumu and Western Kenya of the Patriarchate of Alexandria.





Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Please double your prayers for His Grace Bishop Athanasius of Kisumu and Western Kenya of the Patriarchate of Alexandria. He was very ill in ICU at St Vincent hospital in Worcester Massachusetts USA.  Several weeks ago he celebrated the liturgy at Saint Spyridon Cathedral and became very ill, and has been in the hospital since. He has since passed away.

Donations are welcome via PayPal to assist the Diocese in paying for his care; however, your prayers are most important.
Updates are being provided on Orthodox Africa's Facebook page found here.
Sincerely in Christ,
Father Silouan (Brown), Executive Director






Mission Core Group - Mission Statement

We consider ourselves a Mission Group of dedicated and energetic Orthodox Christians who feel that there is an excellent opportunity for growth in the teachings of Our Faith, and want to spread the love and compassion of God’s Will through prayer and celebration.

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